Progress is what’s important
Aurrora Mirrora
Foto: Niemiec Fotografia Object: Aurorra Mirrora is a not very rare specimen of the exalted middle aged ladies. She lives in her own artificial world and thinks she's happy, but she's ever seen herself in the mirror. If it was as she says, she wouldn't have dark...
Bunch of photos ...
I am my own muse
I am my own muse. It's not my job to Meet your expectations. Whisper if you like I won't whisper through life.
Bag Full Of Conditions
"The problem is everyone is looking for unconditional love, carrying a bag full of conditions" Simran Chaddha Longing is much easier than living in love ... God is never seen immaterially. The vision of him in a woman is the most perfect of all. Rumi
Door To The Forest
Mother Nature costume
Cup Of Bitterness
Emotional Baggage Packed #emotionalbaggage#emotion#softsculpture#faces Spirit Therapy. Family Therapy - Polish Style#familytherapy#therapy#artherapy#spiritherapy#spiritherapy Drink a cup of biterness....
Are You Afraid Of Death?
I think people are only afraid of death, because they are like the fruit from the grocery store. It always dies before it ripens. #ripenbeforedeath #livebeforedying #deathisnotscarynotlivingis If the central religious figure was the woman giving birth and not a man...
The Monument Of Passing Time
The Monument Of Passing Time is a very short film about a HuMan and an ATTACHMENT. Starring Kinga Zak and CHAIR. Not to be mistaken with CHER! The story of one sad EGO and a RENOVICTION in the City of STEEL. Based on a True Story. Cinematography by Nicole Lamb...